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Your page or edition is ready and it is time to show it to the outside world.

  • You can publish an edition at once, which will publish all the pages in the edition
  • You can publish per page if you do not want to show all the pages in the edition yet
  • You can always unpublish a published page


Publish a page

  • Go to the Edit Edition page with an overview of all pages. Next to the page you will see unpublished which indicates that the page is not yet visible to the outside world, click Publish next to the page to publish the page. The purple text will turn black and Unpublish will now appear behind the page. When you click this, the publication will be undone
  • From the page in edit mode you can also publish a page directly via the purple bar PAGE OPTIONS > Publish

Publish all pages in an edition

  • Go to the Editions page with an overview of all editions. Click on the arrow in the purple button behind the edition and click Publish all pages. All pages within the edition will now be published at once. Unpublishing is not possible for all pages at once but must be done per page as described above

 Changes to the content on the page of an already published page will be immediately visible after saving via the Save and continue editing button. You do not have to publish again. If changes on an already published page are not yet visible, wait before saving.


The settings can be set for you when installing the magazine. Users with a Professional subscription can set or change the kiosk settings themselves. Users with a Publisher subscription can request to have this changed if necessary because, for example, the house style colour or logo changes.

You can show the edition on the home page of your magazine, the Kiosk and is visible via the main URL nameofthemagazine.com

You can view the Kiosk via the dashboard of My Magzmaker by clicking on KIOSK in the purple bar. 

Show an edition in the Kiosk

  • On the Editions page, check the checkbox  Show edition in Kiosk behind the edition.
  • The edition that is at the top of the Editions page (and is usually the newest) is shown large on the left in the Kiosk, the other editions are shown smaller on the right.
  • If you want to have a different edition shown large in the Kiosk, you can drag the order of the editions on the Editions page with the icon  and put another edition at the top (then click on Save at the bottom of the edition overview).
  • If you have indicated that search is shown in the menu of your magazine, the search results will be shown for the editions that have been placed in the kiosk. No results will be shown for editions that are not (yet) in the kiosk.

Kiosk settings (Professional Publisher subscription only)

My Magzmaker > admin > Kiosk settingsOn this page you can change the welcome text and set your own logo and color


The settings can be set for you when installing the magazine. A user with a Professional Publisher subscription can set or change the favicon and magazine name that is shown on the browser tab of the browser itself. The magazine name is the first part that is shown on the tab. The second part is added automatically and is the name of the page that is currently being viewed: Magazine name | Page name. In the example this is Magzmaker | Publish (the name of this page).

Users with a Business Publisher subscription can request to have this changed if necessary because, for example, the logo changes.

Example for name and favicon

You set it up once via the side menu and it is used for all existing and new editions:


  • Favicon: click on the browse button and upload a square image (png, jpg) of your logo or image
  • Magazine name & first page: Enter the name of your magazine. The first page is the page that opens when using the main domain name (nameofthemagazine.nl). This is set to /kiosk by default, the overview of all editions. But you may want the main domain to refer to the cover of your latest edition. Adjust that here. Then use /editionname/pagename and always start with /.
  • Google Analytics: to measure reading data, you can place the code you created in the dashboard of your own Google account here. You can place a Google Analytics or a Google Tag Manager code. For users with a Business Publisher subscription, the supplied code can be placed by Magzmaker.

Example Google Analytics code:

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-XXXXXXX"></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXX');

Example Google Tag Manager code:

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
        new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

(Sub)domain name

When you create your account, a subdomain name is assigned under the domain of magzmaker.com: nameofyourcompany.magazine.magzmaker.com.

You can choose to have this Magzmaker name refer to your own domain name (owndomainname.nl) or a subdomain of your own domain name (for example publications.owndomainname.nl)

If you want your own (sub)domain name, something has to happen on both sides. The administrator of your domain name (yourself or your webmaster) must then create the relevant (sub)domain and refer it to the IP address of Magzmaker: (Technical: An A record must be created in the DNS configuration of the (sub)domain with the purpose / content
 The DNS settings for the (sub)domain name must not be set to IPv6. (Explanation: this causes problems with the automatic renewal of the SSL certificate of your Magzmaker account; see below).

Then you let us know and we will set up your account to redirect to the chosen (sub)domain.

SSL certificate
Your Magzmaker account is equipped with an SSL certificate so that the connection to your publications is secured. This is an open source Let's Encrypt certificate.

If you want a different, own certificate, please contact us. This may involve additional costs.