Pixels or Percentages?
You can set the size of a content block using the left and right margin fields or the width field. In almost all cases, it's better to leave the height field blank, as the height will automatically scale with the width you specify.
You can enter values in the margin and width fields in either percentages or pixels. What's the difference, and which is better?
- Percentages have the advantage of scaling when you reduce the screen size; a content block that is 50% wide will always take up half the screen, regardless of the screen’s resolution (the number of pixels on your screen).
- Pixels are a fixed size; an image that is 600px wide might appear to take up half the screen on your display, but someone with a larger screen and higher resolution will see the image much smaller. Conversely, the image might appear too large on a lower-resolution screen.
Percentages are generally more flexible and are particularly useful for defining the width of the screen (for width, left margin, and right margin). For the space above or below a content block (top margin and bottom margin), you might want a more fixed size, so using pixels could be better.
Our preference is usually to use percentages for width and pixels for height. However, in some cases, it might be important for a content block to maintain a fixed width across different screen sizes, or for the space above or below a content block to be scalable.
Note: The default templates in Magzmaker are optimized for use on different screens. You can review their settings if you want to make your own choices.