Open the PAGE SETTINGS (via the purple bar at the top or the purple button next to the page in the overview) and scroll to the Background
Background color; Click in the field with the color code (e.g., #fff333), and the color picker will open. You can then select a new color, and the new color code will be placed in the field. If you have the correct hexadecimal color codes, you can also paste the code directly into the field. If you leave the field blank, the background will be white.
Background image insert, change, or remove; Click the purple "Add Media" button, or click "Remove" first if you want to replace an existing image.
The media manager will open. Choose an existing photo or upload your own image via "Choose File" at the top. For more information about the media manager and uploading photos, click here.
Backgroundvideo: Upload an MP4 file (maximum 64MB) as a background video. Background videos are for ambiance; no sound will be played.
If you want an informative video with sound, it’s better to add a content block "Video" to the page. You can use either an MP4 file or a YouTube link for this. Learn more about the video content block on this page. See an example of a page with a background video from the standard templates You don’t always have to show the background video in the header. You can show it elsewhere on the page, such as in a strip with a streamer, as shown in this example.
The settings below only apply to the background image.If you have added the background image you can see if you need to change anything in the settings, sometimes the default settings are already good, but another setting is better for the subject of the photo.
Background image behavior:
Scroll: the image scrolls along with the content, after scrolling the image is out of view. View an example
Fixed: The image remains, the content scrolls over the photo. The photo always remains in view unless content scrolls over it with a background color, this then hides the background photo. View an example
The default setting is fixed.The options local, initial and inherit show the same as scroll.
Background repeat:
Repeat: You use this when you want to repeat your background image in a pattern. Enter a value for the width of the image in the Background size, e.g.: 20% auto. View an example
Repeat-x / Repeat-y: repetition of the image only horizontally (x) or only vertically (y)
No-repeat: no repetition, the image is only shown once. This is the setting if you want a full-screen background photo.
Size and Position
Background size: Enter two values in this field—width and height—separated by a space. To maintain the aspect ratio, use "auto" for one of the values (in most cases, "auto" is used because you don’t want to distort the image).
Example 100% auto - the image will be 100% wide, and the height will automatically adjust to the correct ratio.
Background position: This controls the alignment of the image on the page. The default settings are horizontal alignment (x) as Center and vertical alignment (y) as Top, which are often suitable.
Background position-x: Horizontal alignment; Left, Center, or Right.
If the background size is set to 100% auto (100% width), you won’t see a difference between these options. However, you will notice a difference if the width is set to less than 100%.
If you leave this field blank, a horizontal parallax effect will occur; the image will move horizontally as you scroll down. Set the background-repeat to repeat-x.See an example of horizontal parallax.
Background position-y: Vertical alignment; Top, Center, Bottom.
If the subject of the photo is positioned low, you might set the y-position to Center. This will move the image slightly upward.
Be careful when using Bottom for the y-position, as this can leave an empty edge at the top of the screen if the image is too short.
Below are two examples of different background position settings. The background size for both is 100% auto. The image on the left has the default setting: Center (x), Top (y). The image on the right is set to Center (x), Center (y).
On the desktop, a screen has a landscape format. When you view the page on a mobile phone, you see the same page in portrait format. On both screen formats, the background image is displayed full screen. The default settings that ensure this are exactly the opposite for desktop and mobile, on desktop the width is 100%, on mobile the height is 100%:
Default settings for background size:
Desktop background size: 100% auto (example left) 100% wide, height automatically adjusts to proportion
Mobile background size: auto 100% (example right) 100% high, width automatically adjusts to proportion
When you use a horizontal photo format, you will see that a large part of the photo is lost on the side on mobile. If the subject of the photo is in the middle, this will not be a problem. If the subject of the photo is on the left or right side, you can display the subject on the mobile screen by setting the size and position for the responsive settings: Set Mobile background position-x left or right instead of centered. So it depends on the subject of the image which setting is most suitable.
In the example below you can see the different settings for a different subject in the photo; the Mobile background position-x set Right/ Center/ Left
Left photo alignment Right, middle photo alignment Center, right photo with alignment Left
Testing on mobile
To test how the page looks on a mobile screen, you can publish the page and view the link on your mobile. This is always a good idea, but while editing your page, you also want to be able to quickly see if the settings you have made are correct for mobile display. You can use your browser for this:
Set the page to
In Chrome click on the 3 dots at the top right of the browser
Choose More tools > Developer tools
Or the shortcut F12
Click on the small icon in the bar above the codeAbove the example screen you see settings to test different screen sizes
In Firefoxopen the menu at the top right of the browser and choose More tools > Responsive Design Mode. Or the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + MAbove the example screen you see settings to test different screen sizes
For a more vivid display, you can give the background image a zoom effect.
Zoom in: set a zoom percentage, e.g. 20%. Because the image zooms in from 100% to 120%, the image will miss parts on the outside in the final result.
Zoom uit: set a zoom percentage, e.g. 20%. The image zooms out from 120% to 100%. To start zooming at 120%, set the background size (background-size) to 120% auto
Background of a section
In addition to the page, you can also give the sections a background image (both are possible). You can also give a color to the entire section or to the individual columns.
Open the section by clicking on the name on the left, or add a new section.
Background color: click on the color tab and click in the upper field Background color to give the entire section a color, choose a color or paste the hexadecimal color number into the field.The fields below are for the individual columns, you only have to fill these in if you want to give them different colors.
Background image: Click on the background tab
Click on the button Add media. The Media manager will open: choose an existing image or upload a new image Settings for the background image
The settings are similar to the settings described above: Background repeat, Background image behavior, Background position and Background size. There are no separate settings for the background of the section for mobile display.
Examples in the default templates
This page has 5 sections with a fixed background image, the content in each section scrolls over the background photo.
This page has a section with a streamer, the section has a fixed background image, the streamer scrolls over it.