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Pages and templates

My magzmaker > Manage > Editions > Page

In Magzmaker, you can add pages to an edition in several ways:

  • Standard Templates: Use Magzmaker's pre-designed templates for quick, consistent layouts.
  • Custom Templates: Opt for tailor-made templates for a personalized approach.
  • Blank Page: Start from scratch for complete creative freedom.
  • Reusing Pages: Easily copy a page within the same edition if it meets your needs.
  • Saving as a Template: Save a well-designed page as a template for future use, enhancing consistency and efficiency across editions.
Lego blokjes

Create a new page

To add a new page to an edition in Magzmaker, sefollow these steps:

  1. Access Edition Overview: Navigate in the dashboard to the edition in which you want to add pages.

  2. Create New Page: Click on the "+ Create New Page" button located at the top of the interface of the overview of the edition.

  3. Choose a Template: In the next window, you will have the option to select between "My Templates" for pre-designed custom templates, or a "Blank Template" to start from scratch.

  4. Select Template: If you choose to use a template, browse through the template overview and select one that suits your needs.

  5. Name Your Page: In the following window, provide a name for the new page (Title). This helps in identifying and organizing your pages within the edition.

  6. Edit Mode: After saving, the new page will automatically open in edit mode, where you can begin adding and customizing content.

This streamlined process allows you to efficiently create new pages, whether you're using existing templates for consistency or starting anew with a blank slate.

Create new page

To add and organize new pages while editing within Magzmaker, follow these steps:

  • Create New Page:
    • While editing a page, you can also create a new page directly. Via the purple bar at the top, click on 'New Page +'
  • Page Placement:

    • The new page is automatically inserted after the last page in your edition.

  • Organize Pages:

    • Navigate to the page overview under Edit Edition. Here, you can rearrange the pages into your preferred order by dragging them using the cross icon on the left of each page listing.

  • Configure Page Settings:

    • After creating the new page, access the  'Page Settings' through the purple bar at the top.

      • Add a Page Thumb: This thumbnail will be displayed in the overlay menu, which can be accessed on the page.
      • Add a Subtitle (optional): You can include a short description in the Subtitle field for additional context.

For more detailed instructions and settings, refer to the Settings section on this page.

Copy a page

When you want to replicate the layout of a page you've created for use within the same edition, you can easily make a copy and then adjust it as needed. Here's how to do it:

  1. Access Page Options: While on the page you want to copy, click on 'Page Options' located in the purple bar at the top of the screen.

  2. Copy the Page: From the options presented, choose 'Copy'. This will create a duplicate of the current page within the same edition.

  3. Modify the Copy: After the copy is made, you can begin making adjustments to customize the new page according to your needs.

This feature is particularly useful for maintaining a consistent design across multiple pages while allowing for minor adjustments or content variations.

Page options - copy page

Create a Template

If you find a page layout particularly effective and wish to use it across multiple editions, you can save it as a template for easy reuse. Here's how to do it:

  1. Access Page Options: While on the page you want to save as a template, click on 'Page Options' in the purple bar at the top.

  2. Create Template: From the dropdown menu, select 'Create Template'. This action will save the current page as a template.

  3. Manage Templates: To view or delete any of your saved templates, go to My Magzmaker > Manage > Manage Templates.

By saving a page as a template, you streamline the process of creating new pages that maintain a consistent style and layout, enhancing the overall coherence and professional appearance of your editions.

Dropdown pagina opties - create template

Page Settings

To access the page settings in Magzmaker, you have two convenient methods:

  1. From the Edit Edition Page:

    • Navigate to Manage > Editions and select an edition to view the page overview.
    • In the page overview, click on the purple button located to the right of the page you want to modify. This will open the page settings for that specific page.
  2. Directly from the Page:

    • When you are on the page you wish to edit, simply click on 'Page Settings' in the purple bar at the top. This will directly open the settings for the current page.
Settings for url and menu

In the page settings of Magzmaker, you can customize various elements that affect both the appearance of your page and how it is presented in the menu overlay that you open on the page with the icon  .

Here's a detailed guide on making these adjustments:

  1. Adjust the Page Title:
    • The title is not only visible in the URL but is also used in the overlay menu. Ensure it accurately reflects the content of the page.
  2. Add or Adjust a Subtitle:

    • This subtitle appears in the overlay menu and provides additional context about the page. The field is optional; if unnecessary, it can be left empty.
  3. Set the Page Thumbnail:

    • This image appears in the menu overlay. Notably, the thumbnail of the first page is also displayed in the kiosk if the edition is set to be shown there.
    • To add a thumbnail, click the purple "Add media" button. To replace an existing thumbnail, click "remove" first, then add a new one via the media manager.
    • Within the media manager, you can choose an existing photo or upload a new image by selecting "choose file" at the top.
  4. Meta Description:

    • Provide a short description of the page (about 155 characters). This description is crucial as it is used by search engines and appears in search results, enhancing the page's search visibility.
  5. Adjust URL:

    • The page name and URL are linked. Changing the page name will automatically adjust the URL unless you decouple them.
    • To use a different page name from the URL, uncheck the 'Generate automatic URL alias' checkbox at the bottom of the page settings.

 Please note: If you change the
edition name after unchecking the checkbox 'Generate automatic URL alias', the edtion name in the URL of this page will have to be adjusted manually.

Page Settings: url and page title

Background color and image settings 

To enhance the visual appeal of your page in Magzmaker, you have several options for adjusting the background settings. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to modify the background color, image, and video:

Background Color
  1. Selecting a New Color:
    • Click in the field displaying the color number (e.g., #fff333). A color picker will open, allowing you to select a new color.
    • The new color number will automatically replace the old one in the field. If you already know the hexadecimal code for the color you want, you can also paste it directly into the field.
Background Image
  1. Inserting or Changing an Image:

    • Click the purple "Add Media" button to add a new image or click "Delete" if you want to replace an existing image.
    • This will open the media manager, where you can select an existing photo or upload a new image by clicking "choose file" at the top.
    • You can find additional information about using the media manager and uploading photos in the help section.
  2. Image Settings:

    • You can apply a zoom effect to the background image.
    • Adjust the size, position, and how it displays on mobile screens through the settings. Default values are typically sufficient, but you can modify them to better suit your image. More details about these settings can be found on the page about backgrounds.

Background Video

  1. Adding a Video:
    • Upload an MP4 file (maximum size 64MB) to use as a background video. This video is meant to add ambiance and does not play sound.
    • If the video is meant to be informative and includes sound, consider adding it as a content block on the page instead. For content block videos, you can use both MP4 files and YouTube links.
    • Read more about the content block video here.

By utilizing these background settings, you can significantly improve the aesthetics of your page, making it more engaging and tailored to the content and audience.