Adobe font script
If you have an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, you can use Adobe fonts. After choosing the desired font and font styles, you can create a web project by clicking </> Add to web project at the top right of the font styles and give the project a name. A link will be generated that you can use in the magazine.
For example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Read more about creating a web project on this Adobe page..
When adding a font to an Adobe web project, the CSS associated with the font is shown. This is useful to save so you can use it when setting the font in Magzmaker or if you want to create text styles in Magzmaker. For example:
Sofia Pro Bold
font-family: "sofia-pro", sans-serif;
font-weight: 700;
font-style: normal;
Or open the Adobe web project > click on Edit Project and view the settings for the font.